I write this article from the outside of our world, the farthest point you can imagine. I want to call out to those who will stand out, leave behind, forget, to be alone but intertwined with the crowds, together, to step beyond dreams and to create a brand new world dream with them.
We are tired of living yesterday and today, looking for answers to questions, and finding solutions to everyday problems. Are we the only ones bored? No, our world is bored too. We were burdened, fed up with us. He will be tired of carrying us more, listening to our excuses and showing understanding: with the bruises under his eyes, the unbearable puff in his feet and deep breathing, he looks at the rough face called humanity as if he would like to hear good things for tomorrow. Her silence is not good, it is necessary to do something and step into the dream world.
The definition of the world of dreams alone reminds of a disconnection, distance from reality or impossibility. Sometimes underestimate, sometimes ridicule and self-indulgence …
However, you start to dream at the age you start thinking. Most of the time, his mind takes place involuntarily, not fiction. Near or far from time – an imagination independent of space, a change of location, a change of role, dreams. In fact, it is the greatest reality that is desired or should be. The mind’s inversion of the existing is that the mind can think outside the patterns. For this reason, it is more free and winged in children, aggravated in cautious depths at later ages and is cumbersome. The ones who break the shell, tear the curtains and flap the wings as free as possible are exceptional.
Dreams are actually hope that connects life that seem to be a solution from dead end streets. Dreams are another dimension of being, and there is no limit to being able to do it. It is an adventure at speed of light, a new journey, only in the mind of the mind.
In fact, life is a certain journey. When the man is in his forties, he stops to take a breath and runs at this stop. Then he realizes that his life consists of ninety percent yesterday and today. Tomorrow has always been postponed with an unknown mentality and has been slightly weakened. While very few people cling to the collar of dreams and chase tomorrow, many of us have hung labels full of anxiety over tomorrows, we have become anxious with fears, we forget that tomorrow is hopeful.
In fact, whatever is in our dream world is tomorrow. It is the harvest of the field of hope for every person. It has a reality between our expectations and dreams. That’s why you should live tomorrow, your dreams, your hopes as much as you live yesterday and today. You should live so much tomorrow.
Now when we look at this tired world we live in, it is unclear how, for what, or for whom. It is a rush of social heaps, for the most part, and thousands of lives lost or degraded in that confrontation. In the atmosphere of anxiety and fear, time is the biggest capital that we lost, and is only the repetition of yesterday. Let’s see how we can best evaluate this capital with you. Let’s use whatever we have today and yesterday, and look at tomorrow. Let’s dream, what, how can we change, we will look for ways. How about let’s add tomorrow to our lives?
Let’s imagine the future of humanity together, not just our future tomorrow. Let’s build a dream tomorrow with our experience and knowledge. On the road to the question “What would you change if there was an opportunity?”, Let’s set out why we have this opportunity. Let’s dream and share them without fear and without any prejudice.
Whatever we have in our world today will be a new opportunity for the future and the world will not be the same tomorrow. A new world will be established tomorrow and this world will be the world of those who dream of the future. Now it’s time to hit the road, now it’s time to think, now it’s time to share your dreams …
Next article will be “What awaits us from Social Mass to the New World”